Friday 1 June 2018

Short AF Book Review | They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera

Hey guys so today I'm going to be doing a Short AF book review on the book "They Both Die At The End" by Adam Silvera. As usual this review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests), and spoiler free. (However there will be the blurb of the book in this blog post and sometimes they can contain spoilers but usually they don't. Just something to keep in mind if you're interested in reading this book.)

"On September 5th, a little after midnight, Death - Cast calls Mateo Torrez and Rufus Emeterio to give them some bad news: they're going to die today. Mateo and Rufus are total strangers, but, for different reasons, they're both looking to make a new friend on their End Day. The good news: there's an app for that. It's called the Last Friend, and through it, Rufus and Mateo are about to meet up for one last great adventure - To live a lifetime in a single day."

Okay so this book is based in a world where "Death Cast" call you at midnight on the day that you are going to die so you're able arrange everything you need to before you end up dying. Mateo and Ruthus both have this call and end up meeting through an app called The Last Friend to spend their last day together. Before you even begin reading this book, just know that you might (You're definitely going to) cry a lot. So get some tissues, a hot drink and allow yourself to be pulled into the stories. There are so many characters in this book and each character touches on different topics and how important these topics are to the main characters lives. There's amazing character development throughout so if anything definitely read it for that. I was invested in every single character they introduced including the ones that were only in one or two chapters of the books. If you are uncomfortable with the topic of death however I would not recommend this to you as it is literally the main topic. There's a lot of unresolved questions regarding other characters in the books that part of me wish they answered and part of me is glad they didn't because that is what life and death is, unexpected and sometimes unexplained. I gave this book a 5 out of 5 star rating on goodreads. Please read this beautiful masterpiece you won't regret it.

What did you think of this book? Do you have any movies or books that you recommend or want me to do a short AF review on? Have you read this book yet? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day.

Love Lyndsay.

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