Wednesday 15 August 2018

Short AF Series Review | Insatiable

Hey guys. Long time no see! I've been super busy lately so I haven't really had much chance to read any books or watch any movies until now. So I should be back to my usual programming from now on. But to jump back into things I thought I'd do a short AF review on a TV series (or more a netflix series) which is something that I haven't done before. Please let me know if you like this down below, and I'll probably do some more of these. Today's short AF review is going to be on the controversial insatiable. As usual this review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests), and spoiler free. (However there will be the IMDB synopsis in this and sometimes they can contain spoilers however 9/10 times they don't. It's just something to keep in mind if you're planning on watching the series) 

"A disgraced, dissatisfied civil lawyer - turned - beauty pageant coach takes on a vengeful, bullied teenager as his client and has no idea what he's about to unleash upon the world."

Okay so first of all let's talk about some of the controversy that's been going around this tv show. A lot of people have been saying that this TV show sounds like it's all about body shaming and eating disorders etc etc. And to be honest, it is a little bit, but not in the way that's easy to get mad about (this is coming from a chubby girl herself). This movie does bring up those topics, but also shows how bad these topics are and why they need to be brought up. But that's all I'm going to say on the controversy, so let's get into the actual series.

The main reason I wanted to watch this tv series is because I've loved both Debby Ryan and Alyssa Milano since I was young (I mean 90's baby, course I wanted to see what my favourite Halliwell babe was doing now). I genuinely didn't know how I was going to feel about this show but I am glad I watched it. There were some bits I really loved and some bits I absolutely hated. A lot of the things that Patty was going through is definitely something a lot of people can relate too (in regards to her weight, not in everything which you will see when you watch the series). I also adore Alyssa's character. I didn't however like how they presented some things in the series such as bob, and honestly Nonnie deserved so much better than the way they portrayed her. It was hit and miss on so many topics throughout this tv show. But hopefully the second series is a lot better and also has a lot more hits.

I would recommend this to any teenager or young adult (or even "proper adults" if you're into shows like this). Just be aware that like me, you might not like how everything is portrayed. But definitely give the show a go.

What did you think of this series? Do you have any movies, series or books you'd recommend for me to watch/read or want me to do a short AF review on? Have you watched this series yet? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day.

Love, Lyndsay

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