Saturday 13 October 2018

Short AF Movie Review | Beauty And The Beast (2017)

Hey guys so today I'm going to be doing a short AF movie review on the movie "Beauty And The Beast". As usual, this review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests), and spoiler free. (However there will be the IMDB synopsis in this and sometimes they can contain spoilers however 9/10 times they don't. It's just something to keep in mind if you're planning on watching the movie)

So once again, this is another musical film (I'm sorry guys I promise my next one is not going to be a musical film but I just love them), and not only is it a musical film, it's a remake of a classic that I grew up with. So to jump straight into this movie I was really worried that it wasn't going to be similar to the original Disney movie. I was also a little bit speculative of Emma playing the role of Belle (Emma is an amazing actress by the way, it's just the fact that it was a singing part and I've never heard her sing. She was perfect for the role in every other way however). Belle was always a princess I could relate to, always had her head stuck in a book and loved stories. So it held a very special place in my heart growing up. This movie was a brilliant remake. I loved seeing the characters I know and love brought to life. My favourite character in this movie would definitely have to be Maurice. He was a lot different than he was from the original movie but also had a lot of the traits we love about him in the original too. I was amazed at some of the songs they added in to the movie and how they performed the old ones as well. Please if you want to watch this movie don't shrug it off just because you're worried it's not going to be the same, because to be honest it isn't, but it's not the same in a good way. It's marvellous.

Have you watched this movie yet? If you did, what did you think of it? Do you have any movies, series or books you'd recommend for me to watch/read or want me to do a short AF review on? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Lyndsay

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