Sunday, 21 June 2020

Short AF Series Review | Jane The Virgin

Hey guys! Today I'm going to be doing a short AF review on the TV series "Jane The Virgin". As usual this review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests) and spoiler free. (However there will be the IMDB synopsis in this and sometimes they can contain spoilers, 9/10 times they don't, it's just something to keep in mind if you're planning on watching the series).

"A young, devout Catholic woman discovers that she was accidentally artificially inseminated."

I don't know what brought me to watch Jane the Virgin, I believe once again it was just something Netflix kept on recommending to me and eventually I just caved and watch the show.  I did not regret it one bit. This show is so beautifully written and made me laugh as much as it made me cry. My heart is genuinely broken that this show is over however they could not have ended it in a better way. Each character has their own wonderfully beautiful personal characteristics that make them special in each and every way. Each character makes you want to know more and more about their stories and even though the show is mainly about the Villanueva family they're not scared to bring in new characters and give you as much story as they can about them.

My favourite people in the series:
- Jane Villanueva: I know this one is kind of obvious because it's who the show is about, but I love how kind she is and how raw she shows her emotion. 
Petra Solano: Petra really annoyed me at the start of the series but her character growth throughout is beautiful and she ends up being one of the best characters in the show.
- Jane ramos: Rosario Dawson, need I say more? 

My least favourite people in the series:
- River fields: I just found her really annoying, and I didn't think her character was very fitting for the show?
-Magda: Magda was the character that just kept coming back which I wish wouldn't. I can't say much more without spoiling anything.

I love this series so much and wish it never ended. Please if you get the chance to, flick netflix on and put on Jane The Virgin.

If you watched the series what did you think of it? Who were your favourite and least favourite characters. Do you have any movies, series or books you'd recommend for me to watch/read or want me to do a short AF review on? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Lyndsay

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Short AF Movie Review | The Breakfast Club

Hey guys so today I'm going to be doing a short AF movie review on the movie "The Breakfast Club". As usual this review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests) and spoiler free (However there will be the IMDB synopsis in this and sometimes they can contain spoilers however 9/10 times they don't. It's just something to keep in mind if you're planning on watching the movie).

"Five high school students meet in Saturday detention and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought." 

So as you can see, this movie was recommended to me by ScottDW94 which is what made me decide to rewatch "The Breakfast Club". I'm not gonna lie to you, the first time I watched this was when I was 15 years old, was having a crappy time in school and I honestly thought "what a load of bollocks". I'm really happy that I decided to rewatch it as that would have probably been my thought for the rest of my life. The breakfast club is a feel good movie about 5 teens which are completely different in every way. It was definitely a movie of it's time (what I mean is the way people were different was in the way they looked and not necessarily the reasons people tend to be different today) and showed that no matter how different people can be they can find friendship in some way or another. I love that this was the main and only theme for the movie and I definitely loved seeing the iconic actors in this movie too. If you just want to have a chilled out movie night I would definitely recommend watching this.

My favourite people in the movie:
- John Bender: Okay, so let's be real, the main reason he's one of my characters is because he is exactly my type. He's very cheeky, he's not afraid of anyone and that hair! I loved that he wasn't afraid to call anyone out in the movie and who can forget the famous fist pump?
- Allison Reynolds: Okay so my portrayal of Allison is that she just didn't give a crap about what anyone says or thinks about her. I loved her style and she reminded me so much of me when I was younger.

My least favourite people in the movie:
- Richard Vernon: So to me, Richard Vernon is the worse. All I can imagine is if he was a teacher in a school here he would have been sacked on the first threat, but then again I've gotta try and remember it was a different time. I just really dislike Richard. I don't dislike anyone else in the movie because they all have redeemable characteristics, however Richard just seems to not.

I really loved re-watching this movie and definitely recommend you watch it. I would have regretted it if I hadn't.

What did you think of the movie? Who were your favourite and least favourite characters? Do you have any movies, series or books you'd recommend for me to watch/read or want me to do a short AF review on? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day.

Love, Lyndsay

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

No I didn't get eaten by dragons but I did try to steal one..

Hey guys.

So I guess I should probably explain where I've been for the past almost a year. Well, to put it simply, I stopped having the motivation to post. There are still drafts from last year for movies/TV shows that are now somewhat not relevant. I don't know what happened, I don't know why I didn't come back, I just got myself into a slump.

I am how however back and more motivated than ever. I have a whole load of new movies/books I've watched/read and I'm ready to start writing again. Please be patient with me as it is going to take me a little bit of time to get back into the swing of things.

As for my title, one of the new hobbies I have found myself getting into is d&d, and during my campaign me and my friend are currently trying to steal a dragon. If you'd like to know more about it, please let me know!!

As for now, I am coming back. I'm ready to go and hopefully you should see more posts soon!

(Also quickly, wow thankyou for 100 followers on bloglovin' I can't believe I wasn't around and missed it, but I appreciate every single one of you.)

As always, have a wonderful day!

Love, Lyndsay