Tuesday 9 June 2020

No I didn't get eaten by dragons but I did try to steal one..

Hey guys.

So I guess I should probably explain where I've been for the past almost a year. Well, to put it simply, I stopped having the motivation to post. There are still drafts from last year for movies/TV shows that are now somewhat not relevant. I don't know what happened, I don't know why I didn't come back, I just got myself into a slump.

I am how however back and more motivated than ever. I have a whole load of new movies/books I've watched/read and I'm ready to start writing again. Please be patient with me as it is going to take me a little bit of time to get back into the swing of things.

As for my title, one of the new hobbies I have found myself getting into is d&d, and during my campaign me and my friend are currently trying to steal a dragon. If you'd like to know more about it, please let me know!!

As for now, I am coming back. I'm ready to go and hopefully you should see more posts soon!

(Also quickly, wow thankyou for 100 followers on bloglovin' I can't believe I wasn't around and missed it, but I appreciate every single one of you.)

As always, have a wonderful day!

Love, Lyndsay

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