Saturday, 27 February 2021

Short AF Series Review | Bridgerton

Hey guys, so today I'm going to be doing a review on the series "Bridgerton". As usual this review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests) and spoiler free (however there will be the IMDB synopsis in this and sometimes they can contain spoilers, however 9/10 times they don't. It's just something to keep in mind if you're planning on watching the series)

"Wealth, lust, and betrayal set against the backdrop of Regency - era England, seen through the eyes of the powerful Bridgerton family."

So I don't usually watch historical dramas as it's not something I'm usually interested in but boy there was a lot of hype around this one so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm glad there was so much hype because I binged the whole series in one day. I could not stop watching this and every episode definitely left me wanting more. I only found out afterwards that this is a book series so I definitely will be buying them for myself to read (so let me know if you want a review on those also).  The series is so good and I found a lot of laughter whilst watching this (as well as a lot of really sad moments). So many of the characters took me by surprise in how much I loved them and their characteristics. There's lots of character development and some very special twists throughout. 

My favourite characters in the series: 

- Penelope Featherington: Penelope is such a loveable character and is possibly one of the sweetest in the show. I can't say much about her without giving too much away but I adore her. 

- Lady Danbury: Lady Danbury is who I strive to be as a woman. She is not afraid to share how she's feeling and I love her so much for that.

- Eloise Bridgerton: Eloise was a character I could really relate too throughout the series. She is very much a fuck the patriarchy kinda girl and I adored her character.

My lease favourite characters in the series:

- Nigel Berbrooke: Okay so if you've watched Bridgerton you know exactly why I hate Nigel. He's one of the most awful characters in the series.

- Portia Featherington: Once again, I can't say much about Portia without giving away too much in the series. But the woman is evil incarnate and no one can convince me otherwise.

Overall the series is really good for a historical drama (coming from someone who usually doesn't like them) so if you do like that genre then I definitely would watch it! (Even if you don't, please watch it you won't be disappointed) 

What did you think of this series? Who were your favourite and least favourite characters? Do you have any movies, series, podcasts or books you'd recommend for me to watch/listen to/read or would like me to do a short AF review on? Please let me know down in the comments below! 

As always, have a wonderful day.

Love, Lyndsay


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