Wednesday 18 April 2018

The Blogger Tag

Hey guys so today I'm going to be doing the blogger tag. I haven't been tagged by anyone however I really wanted to do a get to know me type of blog post and I thought this would be the easiest way to do it. So let's just get into it. (If you want to answer these questions too I tag you all!)

Question 1: How Tall Are You?

I am 5 ft 5". I'm the shortest one in my immediate family and also James is much taller than me to.

Question 2: Do You Have A Hidden Talent? If So, What?

I don't think I have any hidden talents, I know how to play the piano but that's not really hidden.

Question 3: What's Your Biggest Blog - Related Pet Peeve?

When people tell others what they should/shouldn't do with their blogs. I don't mean when it's specifically been asked either and constructive criticism is okay. But blogs are meant to be an expression of their writer's individuality. Don't try and control what someone else can and can't do with theirs.

Question 4: What's Your Biggest Non - Blog Related Pet Peeve?

When people don't use their manners. Please and thank you's go a long way.

Question 5: What's Your Favourite Song?

My favourite song at the moment is currently Toothpaste Kisses by The Maccabees. 

Question 6: What's Your Favourite Social Media Website?

I really love Twitter and Instagram. I check both of them every day and I try to post every day on Instagram as well (most of the time I fail miserably)

Question 7: What's Your Favourite Way To Spend Your Free Time When You're Alone?

I mainly catch up with tv shows on netflix. I've been watching Friends a lot lately. I also love reading and listening to music.

Question 8: What's Your Favourite Junk Food?

I really love chinese food but at the moment it hasn't been agreeing with me so currently I'm super into Mexican food!

Question 9: Do You Have A Pet Or Pets? If So What Kind And What Are Their Names?

I have a dog, he's an english bull terrier x rodesian ridgeback. He's 8 years old and he's my baby. His name's Ozzy.

Question 10: What Are Your Number One Favourite Nonfiction And Fiction Books?

My favourite fiction book is definitely They Both Die At The End by Adem Silvera at the moment. I don't really have a favourite none fiction.

Question 11: What's Your Favourite Beauty Product Or Tool?

I love all of my Makeup revolution eyeshadow palettes. They're super pigmented and extremely pretty. I use them all the time.

Question 12: When Were You Last Embarrassed? What Happened?

I embarrass myself every day by falling over daily.

Question 13: If You Could Only Drink One Beverage (Besides Water) For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would It Be?

Tea. It's pretty much the only thing I'm drinking at the minute besides flavoured water anyway. So yeah, I'd say tea.

Question 14: What's Your Favourite Movie?

I really love 10 things I hate about you. It's always been one of my favourite movies since I was a teenager. Young Heath Ledger stole my heart. 

Question 15: What Was Your Favourite Lesson In School And Why?

I really liked doing maths in school, so much that I took the extra statistics GCSE in year 10.

Question 16: If You Could Live Anywhere In The World, Where Would You Live?

I don't think that I'd change where I lived. Like if this was a if you could travel anywhere in the world it would be a whole other story. My family is here though, and I love where I live. So I'd stay where I am.

Question 17: PC or MAC?

Well considering I always use a PC. I'm going to have to say a PC. Not just that but whenever I'm on a MAC it feels like I'm using an alien computer and have no idea what I'm doing.

Question 18: Last Romantic Gesture From A Crush, Date, Boy/Girlfriend, Spouse? (Or Kind Gesture From A Friend)?

Anything my boyfriend does is romantic for me and I'm just happy I get to spend the rest of my life with James because he's perfect.

Question 19: Favourite Celebrity?

Okay so I have 2, one female one male. Anne Hathaway is my favourite female celebrity as I've loved her ever since I was younger and always thought she was perfect. Hugh Jackman is my favourite male celebrity because I've always loved him as an actor.

Question 20: What Blogger Do You Secretly Want To Be Best Friends With?

No one to be honest. It's not that I don't like making friends with people but I don't have that whole idolism around people who I watch or read online.

Question 21: Who Is Your Biggest Inspiration?

As cheesey as it sounds. My mother is my biggest inspiration. She's always been the strongest woman in my life and is an amazing role model. If I could aspire to by like anyone it would definitely be my mum.

Question 22: What Is Your Favourite Blog To Read?

I don't really have a favourite. I love reading different people's blogs and seeing everyone's views on things and how their individuality shines through.

Question 23: What Is Your Favourite High Street Shop?

At the minute I've been loving superdrug and I've been finding myself in their a lot lately for pretty much everything. I love all the makeup stands they have there and I also love that they have a whole section for travel sized items especially for when I go travelling.

Question 24: Are You In Education Or Do You Work?

I work and I've been at my current job for just over 2 years now.

Question 25: One Thing You Are Proud Of?

The relationships I have with my friends and family. When I was younger I didn't have the strongest relationships with well, anyone. Now that I've grown I have fulfilling relationships with all of my family and most of my friends.

And that is the blogger tag. As I said, if you'd like to do the questions feel free to do so!

Have a wonderful day.

Love, Lyndsay.

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